следующие предложения в отрицательные и вопросительные. Переведите

1. There is some
coffee in the cup.

2. There is a mirror
in the hall.

3. There are
notebooks in the bag.

4. There are many
children in the yard.
VII. Переделайте следующие предложения в отрицательные и
вопросительные. Переведите

1. There is a new
magazine on my table.

2. There is a TV set
in the corner of the room.

3. There are two
armchairs in the living-room.

4. There are ten
students in the classroom.


Ответ дал: gagaaguilerovna
There isn't some coffee in the cup
is there any coffee in the cup
немножко кофе в кружке
There isn't a mirror in the hall
is there
a mirror in the hall
зеркало в холле
There aren't notebooks in the bag
are there notebooks in the bag
тетради в сумке
There aren't many children in the yard
are there many children in the yard
много детей во дворе

There isn't a new magazine on my table
is there a new magazine on my table
новые журналы на столе
There isn't a TV set in the corner of the room
is there a TV set in the corner of the room
телевизор в углу комнаты
There aren't two armchairs in the living-room
are there two armchairs in the living-room
в гостиной 2 кресла
There aren't ten students in the classroom.
are there ten students in the classroom
в классе 10 учеников

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