помогите пожалуйста вставить слова complete the dialogue and write it down. Use the words ; some,any,much,many. Ann; I m hungry.Lets make some egg sandwiches.Den-OK.I think weve got .....eggs.How .....eggs do you need .Ann-Two.Have we got ...cheese or tomatoes.Den-Yes,we have got .... cheese and tomatoes.But how ... cheese and how ... tomatoes do we need.Ann-100 grams of cheese and two tomatoes.Dan-Is there ... ketchup. Ann-There is ... ketchup, but not ... .зарание спасибо


Ответ дал: vitacheipesh
Ответ дал: arman1405
1)any 2) many 3)some 4)much 5) much 6) many 7) some 8) some 9) much
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