Complete the sentences using the correct form of the adverb.

1. Since my cousin moved away, I see him … than I did before. FREQUENTLY
2. Of all the girls, Mary dresses … . BEAUTIFULLY
3. I like it when Jane does the washing up. She washes the plates … than I do. CAREFULLY
4. David always sings … of all. LOUDLY
5. Polly’s eyes are not very good. From this distance you can see … than her. CLEARLY
6. … or … everyone in your class will choose a career for themselves. SOON, LATE
7. Why don’t you come to see me … ? I miss you. OFTEN


Ответ дал: haveaniceday1
1. less frequently
2.  most beautifully
3. more carefully
4. most loudly
5. more clearly
6. sooner later
7. more often
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