помогите написать маленькое сочинение на тему: Why do all people like reading gossips about famous people? или по русски. Почему все людям нравится читать сплетни об известных людях?. предложения 5-7 напишите плизз


Ответ дал: Idk

Being famous isn't as easy as it seems to be. If you are really popular everybody wants to know everything about your life. People enjoy reading gossips about celebrities very much and there are several reasons for it. First of all, some of them feel jelaus and want to find something bad about a famous person. Morover, some people are really courious and they want to know as much as they can. And finely, every celebrity has fans who are ready to buy everything that has her or his name on it and magazins with gossips are not an exception. 

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