Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Present Perfect.

1. A: Last night I ___________ (see) "The Bodyguard" at the cinema.
B: Oh, I _______________________ (already / see) it twice.

2. A: Do you know that Mrs Jones ______________ (work) here for sixteen years?
B: I thought she _______________ (start) working here ten years ago.

3. A: _________________ (you/ever/meet) anyone famous?
B: Well, I _____________ (see) Jane Fonda.
A: Really? I ___________ (meet) her father, Henry Fonda, once. But he is dead now.

4. A: Yesterday I _______________ (leave) the house and ___________ (catch) the train. Then I _____________ (realize) that my keys ___________ (be) in the house.
B: Oh no! That ___________ (happen) to me before. What ______________ (you/do)?
A: I _____________ (call) the locksmith.

5. A: I _______________ (already /make) the beds and I ________________ (just/sweep) the floor, but I ________________ (not / start) the ironing yet.
B: Don't worry. I _________________ (do) it yesterday.

6. A: How long ago ________________ (you / begin) painting?
B: Ten years ago. I __________________________ (recently / complete) a painting that the National Gallery ______________ (ask) me to do a year ago.

7. A: Why are you so happy?
B: I ___________________ (just / pass) my driving test!

8. A: ________________________ (you/always/have) long hair, Julie?
B: No, when I was young my hair _____________ (be) very short.


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11

1 А saw B have already seen

2 A has worked B worked

3 A A have you ever met B saw C met

4 A left, caught,realized,were B has happened - did you do A called

5 A have already made , have just swept, haven’t started B did

6 did you begin - B have recently completed -asked

7 B have just passed

8 A have you always had B was

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