Заполните пропуски to speak, to tell в нужной форме.
1. He.......some foreign languages. 2. Many of our engineers......... at the meeting yesterday. 3. He...... us about the new performance at the Art Theatre.4. Who.....you not to buy tickets for this performance? 5. Can you..... us about winter in Tomsk? 6. ....... the children not to go for a walk today. It is very outside.7.Yesterday my friend came to see me. We....... very much about her new flat. 8. Did you........ to them on the phone the other day? Yes, I..... .


Ответ дал: aralova08
1. He  spoke some foreign languages. 2. Many of our engineers to said at the meeting yesterday. 3. He told  us about the new performance at the Art Theatre.4. Who told you not to buy tickets for this performance? 5. Can you tell us about winter in Tomsk? 6.  Said the children not to go for a walk today. It is very outside.7.Yesterday my friend came to see me. We  talked very much about her new flat. 8. Did you talked to them on the phone the other day? Yes, I talked.. 
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