текст про осень на английского языке

gagaaguilerovna: И?
lenashestakova6: что и??
gagaaguilerovna: что надо?
lenashestakova6: маленький текст на анг.язке про осень 5-7 предложений


Ответ дал: khatunagogsadz
 Autmn iz very beautiful time. In autumn are red, orenge and yellow leafs. The flouers and trees are sleepping. I like autumn.                                             пусть кто-нибудь это проверет, у меня могут быть ошибки. 

gagaaguilerovna: autumn is a very beautiful. there are red, orange and yellow leves in autumn. flowers and trees sleep.
narminatakishi: vsyo pravilno,ne volnuysya tolko ne flouvers a flowers
narminatakishi: i luche budet yesli v pervom predlojenii poslednim slovom dobavish "of year"
narminatakishi: sleep
Ответ дал: narminatakishi
autumn is a beautiful   season.It is one of  the best seasons.I love this season,because it rains a lot in autumn,and i really love rain.I would like to call autumn as "the golden season" because of its colours.Autumn gives me power and piece.Yes,it is cold in autumn, but it has its own beauty , its own smell,its own melody...shortly autumn has everithing the most beautiful in its own.

lenashestakova6: спасибо большое
narminatakishi: nezachto
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