Раскройте скобки,употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.
1.He(to sleep) now?
2.They (to do) their homework in the afternoon.
3.They (not to go) for a walk in the evening.
4.I (to have) no time now,I (to have) dinner.


Ответ дал: catty777
1. Is he sleeping now?
2. They do their homework in the afternoon.
3. They do not go for a walk in the evening.
4. I have no time now, I am having breakfast.

catty777: в последнем вместо breakfast должно быть dinner.
Ответ дал: tolstolga
1) Is he sleeping now?
2) They do their homework in the afternoon.
3) They don't go for a walk in the evening.
4) I'm having no time now, I have dinner.

mishelimadler: 1. Is he sleeping now?
2. They do their homework in the afternoon.
3. They don't go for a walk in the evening.
4. I'm having no time now, I have dinner.
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