Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Future Continuous. Сформулируйте предложения в утвердительной и отрицательной формах:
1) I (wait) on the corner for you at the usual time tomorrow morning.
2) It probably (rain) when you get back.
3) If you come before six, I (work) in my garden.
4) At this time tomorrow afternoon I (take) my final English examination.
5) If we go there now, they (have) dinner. But if we go later, they (watch) television.
6) At this time next year he (study) at the university.


Ответ дал: gagaaguilerovna
will be waiting - will i be waiting - won't be waiting
will be raining - will it be raining - won't be raining
will be working - will i be working - won't be working
will be taking - will i be taking - won't be taking
will be having - will they be having - won't be having; will be watching - will they be watching - won't be watching
will be studying - will he be studying - won't be studying

Aseeva96: А мне нужно утвердительной
gagaaguilerovna: все есть
gagaaguilerovna: 1- утвердительная
Aseeva96: Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в Future Continuous
gagaaguilerovna: ну...
Aseeva96: а потом уже их формулировать
Aseeva96: я запуталась
gagaaguilerovna: все сделано
Aseeva96: Регина
Написать предложения в отрицательной и вопросительной формах:

) You are doing that exercise correctly.

3) All the birds are flying south.

6) They are travelling in Europe at present.
7) Helen is taking dancing lessons at the country club.
8) Mr. Evans is writing a series of articles on the economic situation.
9) Ann is doing well in her studies at present.
Aseeva96: Помогите пожалуйста
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