Помогите пожалуйста !!!
Write sentences using these words.
1. I/like/play/the guitar.
3.They/(not)like/use/the computer.
4.We/never/go/run/in the evening.
5.You/(not)like/use/the computer.
6.He/(not)go/rollerblade/with Johh.


Ответ дал: cutealice9
1 i like to play the...
2 nevita often goes to swim
3 they don t like to use the...
4 we have never gone to run in...
5 you don t like to use the...
6 he doesn t go to rollerblade with...

Alex570: спасибо
cutealice9: пожалуйста
cutealice9: впринципе я согла с другим человеком в 1 и 2 предложении
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