помогите пожалуйста написать письмо(100 слов) другу,который приезжает в москву.(куда я его поведу и почему,какие достопримечательности покажу,где мы пообедаем,как собираемся добраться)


Ответ дал: ололояводительнло

Dear Kostya! It is great that you are going to visit Moscow. I can't help waiting for this event. Moscow city is a modern, beautiful capital with old history and culture. I want to show you Red Square, Kremling and other sights of the city. There is a small special restrant on Arbat street. It is not very famous and big, bit really snug. There is a metro, buses, trolleybuses in our nice city on which we can go to different places. Also we'll visit Tretyakov Gallery. This place is full of amazing masterpieces. So we'll have a great time together.

I am looking forward to meet you.

Love, Liza.


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