закончите вопросы с хвостиком
she doesn,like coffee, ?
they travelled a lot last summer, ?
Jack didn,t pass his exams, ?
Sandra has already got up, ?
her son often rides a horse in the countre, ?
he isn,t lazy, ?
you usually start your work at 8 a.m., ?
we can have a party on sinday, ?
tom spent his holidays in france, ?

egor555556: точно?
SJCOLE: 3 Jack did
SJCOLE: лан я пошел
egor555556: а остальные?
egor555556: ну давай
SJCOLE: я передумал
SJCOLE: got up это неправильный гл. а правильный get up
egor555556: ты 1 только пытался
egor555556: спс
egor555556: попробуйте может получится


Ответ дал: Leva3164
she doesn,like coffee,does she  ?
they travelled a lot last summer, didnt they?
Jack didn,t pass his exams, did he ?
Sandra has already got up, hasnt she?
her son often rides a horse in the countre,doesnt he ?
he isn,t lazy,is he ?
you usually start your work at 8 a.m.,dont you ?
we can have a party on sinday,Cant we ?

egor555556: спс большое
egor555556: последнее бы ну лан как нибудь
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