make notes under the headings:type, inside,outside,special features. Then,tell the class about John's house
Переведите и сделайте.
Заранее спасибо!✌

nika2004vera: делать заметки под заголовками: типа,
внутри, снаружи, особенности. Тогда, рассказать классу о доме Джона
abramovaanast: а сделать


Ответ дал: Tulip1991
Сделайте записи под заголовками : тип, внутри, снаружи, особенности (характерные особенности ). Затем расскажите классу о доме Джона.

#3 стр 51
John's house

Type : a semi - detached house made of bricks.

Inside : Downstairs: living room, kitchen, bathroom.
Upstairs: three bedrooms, bathroom.

Outside: back and front gardens with a lot of flowers.

Special features: central heating (there is no fireplace) , carpets in all the rooms.

John lives in a semi -detached house in England. The house is made of bricks. There are two floors in it. There are three bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs and there is a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom downstairs. Outside there is a back and front garden with a lot of flowers. The house has got central heating. There is no fireplace.
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