2.1 talk about the past with the correct form of be.
Complete the sentences with was/wasn't were/weren't
1.Marilyn Monroe ........ a famous film star.
2. I phoned you last night buy you ........ there.
3.Matt ..... at school yesterday because he ....
4.Frodo and Sam ..... in Star Wars.The .... Lord of the rings.
5.When I ..... little,I.......scared of dogs.I hated them.
6.Apoll 11 ....... an American spaceship. It .... Russian.

2.2 ask questions with Was/Were.
Make a question and answer for each sentencet.
1.Was it good? Yes,it was.
1.I saw Treasure Planet last nught.(good/yes)
2.I bought some shoes yesterday.(expensive/yes)
3.We had an English test for lunch.(difficult/no)
4.I had an omelette for lunch.(nice/yes)
5.I got Nine emails yesterday.(interesting/no)


Ответ дал: luokkaDi
2 weren't
3 wasn't was
4 weren't were
5 was was
6 was wasn't

1was it good? Yes,it was
2were they expensive? Yes, they were
3 was it difficult? No, it wasn't
4was it nice? Yes, it was
5 were the interesting? No, they weren't

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