I. Вставьте артикли.
1. We have ________ big car. ____ car is white. It’s ______ fast car. I like ______ our car.
2. Is ______ house small?
3. I like ______ sweet coffee.
4. This is ______ apple pie. It is ______ tasty pie. I like ______ apple pies.
5. I have ______ pencil. ______ pencil is on my desk. It is ______ fine pencil.
6. Helen has ______ nice handbag. ______ handbag is black. I like ______ handbag. It’s______ leather handbag.
7. I have ______ pear. It’s ______ red. ______ pear is ______ big. Take ______ pear! It’s______ tasty pear.
8. Mary has ______ child. ______ name of ______ child is ______ Mike. He is ______ baby of______ five. ______ baby is ______ nice.
9. ______ girl in ______ photo is ______ my sister. She is ______ nurse.


Ответ дал: Uchitelka
1) a, the, a, -. 2) a 3) - 4) an, a, -. 5) a, the, a. 6) a, the, the a. 7) a, -, the, -, the, a. 8) a, the, a, -, a, -, the, -. 9) the, a, -, a.
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