1.перевести,употребляя глаголы в Past Simple Active или Past Simple
он забыл-его забыли
ты помнил-тебя помнили
мы пригласили-нас пригласили
он посоветовал-ему посоветовали
они помогли-ему помогли
2.использовать глаголы в Present,Past или Future Simple Passive.
- Many houses (to burn) during the Great Fire of London
- I (to give) a very interesting book at the library last Friday
- Many houses ( to build)in our town every year
- This work (to do) tomorrow
-This text ( to translate) at the last lesson
-These trees ( to plant) last autumm
- Rome (not to build) in a day
-This bone (to give) to my dog tomorrow
-We ( to invite) to a concert last Saturday
-Lost time never(to find) again


Ответ дал: Uleima
1)were burnt 2)was given 3) are built 4) will be done 5) was translated 6) were planted 7) was not built 8) will be given 9) were invited 10 is never found

he forgot-he was forgotten     you remembered -you were remembered     we invited-we were invited     he advised-he was advised     they helped-they were helped

kameliya96: а певрое не знаешь?)
Uleima: да забыла написать
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