Проверьте пожалуйста правильно ли я сделала задание.
Преобразуйте предложения, употребив герундий вместо инфинитива.
Образец: I like to read. - I like reading.
1) I like to skate. - I like skating.
2) I have to read detective stories. - I have reading detective stories.
3) I think to send him a telegramme. - I think sending him a telegramme.
4) I remember to tell you about it. - I remember telling you about it.
5) They stopped to smoke. - They stopped smoking.
6) They prefer to stay at home in the evening. - They prefer staying at home in the evening.
7) He continued to speak to his friends. - He continued speaking to his friends.
8) He kept to talk about the events. - He kept talking about the events.


Ответ дал: Katenok07
Молодец! правильно)))
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