сделать маленький пересказ 6 предложен A cat lives in a small house. In the kitchen of the cat’s house live little mice. The cat is very big and every day she eats one or two mice. But on her birthday the cat does not eat mice. Every year all the mice in her house come to the cat’s birthday party. Of course, the cat is very glad to see the mice. They give her birthday presents: cakes, bottles of milk and interesting toys. The toys are made of paper and cotton. The cat likes the cakes and milk. She likes the toys too.
This year the mice come to the cat’s birthday party and say, “Here is a blue ribbon with a small bell for you.”
The ribbon is very nice, it is made of silk. The cat takes the ribbon, puts it on and says, “Thank you. I like the ribbon with the bell very much. I am going to wear it all the time.”
The mice are very happy. Now they know when the cat is coming. When the mice hear the bell, they leave the kitchen.


Ответ дал: slaviksv17
A cat lives in a small house. In the kitchen of the cat’s house live little mice. The cat is very big and every day she eats one or two mice. Every year all the mice in her house come to the cat’s birthday party. This year the mice come to the cat’s birthday party and say, “Here is a blue ribbon with a small bell for you.”
The mice are very happy. Now they know when the cat is coming. When the mice hear the bell, they leave the kitchen.
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