Помогите пожалуйста)))Росскройте скобки , употребляя необходимую степень сравнения прилагательных))))

1. The weather today is (bad) than the weather yesterday but not as (bad) as it was four days ago.
2.The story was ( exciting) one I have ever heard.
3.They were less (tired) than we.
4.George bought a (new) car than he could ever imagine.
5. The mark is a (good) than I expected.
6. They are vere (upset)with the results.


Ответ дал: Аннэтта
1 worse .1.1  the worst
2 more exciting
3 less tired
4 new
5 better
6 upsetter
Ответ дал: nunny
1. The weather today is (worse) than the weather yesterday but not as (bad) as it was four days ago.
2.The story was (the most exciting) one I have ever heard.
3.They were less (tired) than we.
4.George bought a (newer) car than he could ever imagine.
5. The mark is a (better one) than I expected.
6. They are vere (most upset) with the results.
Это не превосходная степень, а most в значении "очень".
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