1. ........you............(to wait) for me at 5 p.m?-Yes,I ........
2.They..........(to finish) their work at 11 o'clock and same home.
3.It..........(to grow) dark,go we......(to decide) to return.
4.While Jack.........(to sit) biting his nails,we..........(to work)out a plan to over up our traces.
5.A young man......(to run)out into the street.He...........(to caryy)a strange placard.
6.What.......you..........(to do)when I.......(to phone)you yesterday?
7.John.....(to listen)to the radio when the batteries........(to run)out.
8.The robbers.......(to steal)the car and they........(to drive)away.
9.She..........(to go)to buy a dress,but a thief........(to steal)all her money.
10.She........(to slip).........(to fall)over and.........(to break)her ankle.
11.The Royal Carriage.......(to come)round the corney Everywhere people....(to wave)and...(to cheer) помагите решить тест ато что то неполучается


Ответ дал: cenzura
1/will you be waiting--I will
3/it was growing dark==we decided
4/was sitting and==we were working=
5/ran==was carrying
6/what were you doing when I phoned 
7/was listening==ran
9/was going==had stolen
10/slipped,fell over and broke
11/is coming==are waiving=cheering
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