поставьте слова в нужное время что ли ,пожалуйста

A1)....(relax) and informal teaching style
American schools encourage students to think independently and take part in class
discussions. The American 2)....(educate) system also offers a great range
of subjects, so you could get the chance to study American history, journalism,
business studies or drama. Some high schools offer 3)....(drive) lessons
too, so you could even get your American driving licence while you're in the USA!
School life
If you take part in our exchange programme, you'll experience what's unique about an American high school! On a typical day, you might travel to school by yellow school bus, then chat with friends while you put away your coat and lunch in your 4)....(lock).You'll then have around five hours of classes! You'll get a report card about 5)....(two) a year.Your grades will depend on your performance in class discussions, homework and projects.
Sports and extra-curricular activities
Sporting activities are a major part of high school life, and your school will expect you to participate! Of course, there's cheerleading and American football, but other popular sports include soccer, basketball and baseball. If you're not the 6)....(sport) type, there are also many other things to do such as join the school newspaper, the debating club or the 'prom' 7)....(organise) committee. The prom is an 8)....(extreme) special dance at the end of the school year


Ответ дал: nunny
A1)....(relaxed)  2)....(education)  3)....(driving) 4)....(locker). 5)....(twice)  6)....(sports)  7)....(organising)  8)....(extremely)
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