Say it in Russian.
1) Hurry up! - ...
2) We all rushed downstairs. - ...
3) We all picked up our dags. - ...
4) She turned the key in tne lock. - ...
5) Mum unlocked the car. - ...
6) We put on our seatbelts. - ...
7) Can we have the radio on, please. - ...


Ответ дал: CherryTheSweet
1) Hurry up! - ...поторопись
2) We all rushed downstairs. - .мы все поспешили вниз..
3) We all picked up our bags. - ..мы все взяли свои сумки.
4) She turned the key in tne lock. - .она повернула ключ в замке ..
5) Mum unlocked the car. - ..мама открыла машину.
6) We put on our seatbelts. - .мы пристегнулись..
7) Can we have the radio on, please. - .можно включить радио?..
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