Imagine that you are given an opportunity to get a lot of money for changing your appearance. What would your answer be ? Express your opinion in 6 sentences

Пожалуста помогите

dinagasparyan: представьте, что у вас появилась возможность получить много денег, чтобы изменить внешность. Каким бы был твой ответ? Объясни свое мнение в 6 предложениях


Ответ дал: 1FallOutBoy1
If i had opportunity to change my appearance,i would not want to change something, because The God have given me an excelent body. I think that all these girls that increse their lips and go out with duck face are stupin, and i do not like to look like them.I want to look how the God has made me.

kushnirlilia: Дякую!
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