Перепишите следующие предложения, употребляя активный или пассивный залог:

1. What you (to do) here? - I (to walk) for a friend.
a) are you doing, I am waiting
b) are you do, I am wait
c) do you do, I wait
2. My brother (to be) in hospital. He (to be) there for ten days.
a) was, is being
b) my brother is, he has been
c) are, is
3. She (to write) letters to her mother every week.
a) she is writing b) she writes
c) she has been writing
4. Don't enter the room! A student (to examine) there.
a) a student was examine
b) a student is being examined
c) a student is examining
5. Some new magazines just (to bring). Would you like to look them through?
a) have just been brought
b) has just brought
c) is being brought


Ответ дал: Uleima
1)a 2) b 3)b 4) b 5) a
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