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ShamanCat: Это должен быть диалог?


Ответ дал: ShamanCat
Значит диалог: You - Y(ты), She- S(она) заменишь потом своими именами. Y:Hi there! What are we going to watch this time? S:Hello! Oh, lets discuss it. Y:Okay then. Lets look at my TV guide for Fuesday 16th February. S:Oh yes, it definitely help us to choose what are we going to watch today! Y:Look, we missed news and weather at 6.30 p.m. at first channel. But there is going to be The Bill: Police drama. What do you think about it? S:That's great, I love drama! But what else can we watch? Give this guide to me. ... M, look, at third channel there is going to be Chat Show at 7:30p.m. Lets watch it too. Y:Okay, I like chat shows too. But what do you think about reality shows? S:Actually, I don't like it much. But why do you ask? Y:I wanted to watch Big Brother...it's a reality show...but if you don't want it it's okay. S:Oh no! Lets watch it then, after The Bill. It's all right. Y:Thanks.

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