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Ответ дал: Zaitseva22
Cat's eyes are green . There are children's toys in the big box. Birthday of my father is in May. What a coincidence! It is a favourite cake of my mother too. I love my husband's books. Whats the name of this young man? He showed me the letter of his sister. She took skates of her brother. Give me notebooks of your pupils. Carry me children's things.  Yesterday children found bird's nest. It is my friend's family.  My friend's father is an engineer. Mother of my friend is a teacher. Whose is this bag? It is Tom's bag. Whose are this dictionaries? This dictionaries belong to students. Did you see book of our teacher? I like handwriting of this boy. I'm hear voice of my sister. She opened the window and heard laughter and  screams of children. She put wet boots of boys to the stove.

Zaitseva22: Сейчас напишу продолжение
Zaitseva22: It's my grandmother's armchair. I thinks, that reply of this sudent is great. My husband know a lot about novels of Agata Kristi. Diana had a birthday in Sanday. Yesterday in evening we watched TV in my friend's house. Liza's dog jumped into the pond with us
Zaitseva22: Если чем-то помогла, то поблагодари, пожалуйста
ПоЗиТиВчИк6075: Спасибо большое.Надеюсь все правильно))
Zaitseva22: Я тоже надеюсь) А то стыдно будет, я хорошо английский знаю :D
ПоЗиТиВчИк6075: мне бы так) Спасибо за перевод..Завтра скажу все правильно или нет;)
Zaitseva22: Окей, не за что)
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