Помогите пожалуйста с англиским нужно поставить слова в правильном порядке и записать предложения
1 задание
1. a/I/have/ Csn/carton/please/milk/of?
2. many/bag/got/Have/potatoes/in/the/we?
3. open/please/the/I/May/window?
4. much/the/got/We/haven't/in/ice cream/fridge.
5. flour/much/How/there/is?
6. apples/are/There/a/the/of/lot/on/trees.


Ответ дал: katetim
1. Can I have a carton of milk please? 
2. Have we got many potatoes in the bag?
3. May I open the window please?
4. We haven't got much ice cream in the fridge.
5. How much is there flour? 
6. There are a lof of apples on the trees.
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