Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильные формы ( Past Progressive or Past Simple)
Yesterday my Mum, Dad and i ___ ( to go) to Covent Garden. While my parents ___(to shop), i ____ (to watch) the Street actors' perfomance. The perfomance was great! The pantomime actors and the jugglers ___ (to entertain) the people around for two hours. While one man in a bright cap ___ (play) the violine, the juggler ___ (to juggle) six big balls and the pantomime actor ___ ( to stand) like a statue.


Ответ дал: galina572319
Yesterday my Mum, Dad and I _went__ ( to go) to Covent Garden.While my parents _were shopping___( to shop), I _was watching__ ( to watch) the Street actors' performance. The performance was great! The pantomime actors and the jugglers _were  entertaining__ ( to entertain) the people around for two hours. While one man in a bright cap _was playing__ ( play) the violine, the juggler _was juggling__ ( to juggle) six big balls and the pantomime actor __was standing__ ( to stand) like a statue. The people _were laughing__ ( laugh) while the clowns _were doing___ ( to do) silly things. When my parents __arrived__ ( to arrive), one of the actors _was showing__ ( to show) tricks. We __left_ ( to leave) the performance while the people around _were singing__ ( to sing) together with the street actors.
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