Humans ______ much in common with other life forms on Earth,______ the very first life forms appeared,all living things have _______desperately struggling to survive the harsh and changing conditions of our planet. This has___adapting to new situations and,in many cases,has____to either evolution or extinction. We are ______alone in making use of the world around us(birds use twigs to build nests, for example) or in beign particularly skiful (spiders make intricate webs). Where we ____differ from other life forms,however,_____in our ability to record,and learn from,our collective history. In this,it _____ that we____unique.
______ is still much mankind____not know about the earliest humans,of course,but we are increasingly____a species with detailed knowledge about our past. The more we learn, the better _____ our chances of survival in the future. It must also be recorgnised.however,that we are also the only species on Earth which _____,managed to create the means to destroy the planet we live on.


Ответ дал: Влад36рус
что нужно сделать перевести?

skotarienkooksana: Там где черточки повставлять слова))))
Влад36рус: тогда не нечего не сделаю
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