1 как правильно написать (Fill with the correct form of the verbs)
1) What time ....................(school/start) ?
2).....................(Harry/eat) frogs for lunch ?
3)He .............................(teach) History of Magic
4)He .......................(go) to school on foot

2 Write the third person singular.
1) I go - she ...........
2) I sleep - he .........
3) I study - she .......
4) I play - he ...........
5) I catch - she .......
6) I fix - he .............
7) i wash - she........
8) I cry - he.............


Ответ дал: dudnikk
1) goes
2) sleeps
3) studies
4) plays
5) catches
6) fixes
7) washes
8) cries
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