Open the brackets.
One day a gentleman (to come) to a pastry-shop and (to order) a cake in the shape of the letter S. The pastry-cook (to say): "It (to take) us three days to make such a cake". "All right (to answer) the gentleman. I (to come) in three days".
In three days he (to come) to the shop again and when the cook (to show) him the cake the gentleman (to say) that he (not to like) its shape.
"Than we (to make) another one", (to say) the cook, "but it (to take) us three days more". "All right", (to say) the gentleman, "I (to come) in three days".
In three days the gentleman (to come) to the pastry-shop. The cook (to show) him the new cake. The gentleman (to say) that he (to like) it.
"Where we (to deliver)it?" (to ask) the cook. "Do not deliver it", (to answer) the man, "I (to eat) it here".


Ответ дал: cenzura
came..ordered..said..will take..answered..I'll come..
came..showed..said..didn't like
have to will take..
said..I'll come..came..showed..said..liked..
where shall we deliver it..answered..I'll it 

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