Вставьте в пропущенные места Present Perfect или Past Simple:
1) I...(you/go) on holidays last year? 2.Yes,I...(go) to Spain. 3)....(you/ever\be) there?4) I...(not/finish)my homework yet.5) We..(not/see) him since he...(leave) school.6) We...(go)to bed early last night because we...(be) tired. Kevin....(lose)his key. He...(leave)it on the bus yesterday.8) I...(not play) tennis since I...(be) at school.9) I think our teacher...(forget)about the test. He...(not say)anything about it in the last lesson.10) Sarah...(break) her leg. She...(fall) off a horse last week. 11. I...(finish) decorating my room


Ответ дал: Deathstroke99
1 did you go
2 went
3 have you ever been
4 I havent finished
5 havent seen, left
6 went, were
7 have lost, left
8 havent played, were
9 has forgot, didnt say
10 has broken, fell
11 had finished

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