Напиши что ты или твои друзья собираются(или не собираются) делать в следующих ситуациях
1.My friends are on holidays.They___________(travel) abroad
2.I don't have a toothache.I _________(not.see) the dentist
3.Tina's hair is dirty.She ______________(wash) it
4.I am very hungry now.I_______________(have) a big chicken for dinner
5. Nick is ill now.He ___________________(miss) lessons at school
6.The accommodation costs are very high.I____________(stay) with my friends
7. Mary and Bob are arranging a small party.They________(not,invite) many guests
8. My friends don't like cold weather.They _____________(now,visit) Arctic in winter


Ответ дал: ктотолол
1. are traveling
2. am not seing
3. is washing
4. am having
5. is missing
6. am staying
7. are not inviting
8. are not visiting 
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