задание 16 помогите плиз у нас сегодн директриса зайдёт помигите кто нибудь плиз


abdujahongir: как это??
abdujahongir: это ж невозможно
abdujahongir: агент есть???
Pauel: ну есть же кнопка "изменить" вопрос.
abdujahongir: у меня такого нету
abdujahongir: одноклассник или агент есть??
abdujahongir: спс
abdujahongir: спс большое
Pauel: пожалуйста!
abdujahongir: я тебе должен


Ответ дал: Pauel
Видимо текста от тебя не дождешься, поэтому нашел его в инете:
Holidays in Brighton.     Last summer my father and I went to Brighton. Brighton is a lovely place in the South of England. There are a lot of hotels in Brighton. We lived in a small hotel at 41 High Street, on the forth floor in a "double". A double is a room eith two beds. Our room in the hotel was comfortable and rather large. There was not much furniture in our room. We had a small table, two beds, two chairs and an armchair, a sofa and a TV set in the corner of the room. The table was in the middle of the room. My father`s bed was on the left and my was on the right by the window.     There was a mirror and two lovely pictures of Brighton on the wall. The curtain on the windows were yellow and they made the room bright and nice indeed. It was rather quiet in the room as it was at the back of the hotel.     The bathroom was small. There we had a bath, a toilet and a wash basin. We could take a shower in the bathroom, and i usually had one in the afternoon after my swim in the sea.     The hotel was on the hill and the view was lovely. There were a lot of green trees and beautiful flowers behind the hotel and the sea was in front of it. We came to Brighton by car and spent two wonderful weeks there. We want to spend our next summer there again.

Теперь по вопросам 16 задания:
- I think that boy and his father are going to Brighton next summer again
- They liked the view there were a lot of green trees so next time they will take the same hotel
- They think that hotel in Brighton was quite comfortable so next time they will going to live in the same double room
- In my opinion there is a wish to swim in the sea next time
- They liked traveling by car so next time they will use the same transport

abdujahongir: огромное тебе спасибо ты мне очень помог я тебе должен
abdujahongir: большое ещё раз спасибо
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