110 баллов. Вставьте необходимый модальный глагол (should, can, could, may, must, need).

1) You ___ not eat in the class.

2) I speak three languages and I __ not spell in any of them.

3) ___ I come in?

4) You’ve got a high temperature. You ___ call a doctor.

5) When he was a teenager, he ___ cross the river in our village.

6) – Must I stay here? – No, you ___.

7) Students ___ seat in any seat they want.

8) The teacher said, ‘You ___ leave the room if you want’.

9) ___ you, please, open the window? It’s too hot here.

10) Jane ___ leave her child with us if she wants to.


Ответ дал: GeraBlake
1) shouldn't
2) can
3) may
4) must
5) could
6) mustn't
7) can
8) may
9) could
10) can

anоnymоus: БОЛЬШОЕ СПАСИБО! Вы мне очень помогли)
anоnymоus: Не сочтите мою просьбу за наглость), но не могли бы Вы мне помочь ещё и с этим примером? http://znanija.com/task/9203016
Ответ дал: nunny
1) You _must_ not eat in the class. 2) I speak three languages and I _can_ not spell in any of them. 3) __May_ I come in? 4) You’ve got a high temperature. You __should_ call a doctor. 5) When he was a teenager, he _could__ cross the river in our village. 6) – Must I stay here? – No, you _need not__. 7) Students _may_ seat in any seat they want. 8) The teacher said, ‘You __may_ leave the room if you want’. 9) _Could__ you, please, open the window? It’s too hot here. 10) Jane _can__ leave her child with us if she wants to.   
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