Вставить в правильной форме.Плиз ,до завтра надо.1).At nine o'clock in the morning Fred ... (sleep) as it was Sunday.2)Jack ...(put on) the coat when the telephone ... (ring). 3)While Andrew ... (write) an essay, his helper ... (take) pictures to illustrate the text.4)When mum...(open) the door, she saw Greg who ...(clean) the hall.5)Jack... (do) his homework at 7 p.m.6)What... (Debby/write) in her e-mail? 7) Someone... (come) to visit the Robinsons last Thursday:I ... (see) a car arrive at the door of their house.8) It... (rain) while I... (wait) for you.9)It ... (begin) to snow when we ... (reach) the airport. 10)What ... (you/do) at 11 a.m. yesterday?


Ответ дал: cenzura
1.was sleeping
2.was putting...rang
3.was writing...was taking
4.opened...was cleaning
5.was doing
6.does Debby write
8.was raining..was waiting
9.began...had reached
10.were you doing

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