Write the sentence that follows on:
Epample: Alice is putting her pen down. She doesn't need it any more. -Alice/write/letter. Alice has written the letter.
1)I'm going for a walk. The weather is fine now.- Rain/stop.
2) Tom is riding his bike. he is happy. -he/repair/bike.
3) My two friends go to the zoo on Sundays. They clean the cages.-they/join/the Zoological Society/
4) He is a famous scientist. -he/do/ a lot for endangered animals.
5) Next weekend they'll go to Vladimir.-they'be/not/there.


Ответ дал: Werrina

1) The rain has stopped.

2) He has repaired the bike.

3) They have joined the Zoological Society.

4) He has done a lot for endangered animals.

5) They haven't been there.

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