Замените прямую речь косвенной
1)John asked, "What did he tell you about his trip?
2)The doctor said to me, "Stay at home for a week".

Выбрать правильный вариант
3)Pasha must train a lot to be a good sportsman a) doesn't he: b) must he c) mustn't he.

4)There is ... snow on the roads. a)any b) some

5)This article is... than the previous one. a)much interesting, b) more interesting: c) interesting.This article is... than the previous one. a)much interesting, b) more interesting: c) interesting.


Ответ дал: Werrina

1) John asked what he had told me about his trip.

2) The doctor told me to stay at home for a week.

3) Pasha must train a lot to be a good sportsman c) mustn't he.

4) There is ... snow on the roads. b) some

5) This article is... than the previous one. b) more interesting

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