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Ответ дал: joice111
1. John said that Paris is the capital of France.
2. They told us that they were on the shores of the Missouri some days before.
3. She told the holidaymakers not to sunbathe on this beach.
4. The teacher told the pupils that water freezes at 0 degrees Centigrade.
5. Mother told me to behave myself now.
6. Sue added that the war of 1812 was against Napoleon.
7. The man asked me if I had seen the Sahara desert the previous summer.
8. He asked why I hadn't finished these endless articles yet.
9. The boy said that he would see an Indian canoe in the museum in 3 days.
10. We say that we are going to the grasslands of the USA the next day.
Ответ дал: AlexStanK
John said that Paris was the... They said to us that they had been on the... She advised the holidaymakers not to sunbathe on that beach. The teacher explained that water freezed at... Mother asked her to behave herself. Sue added that the war of 1812 had been against... The man asked if I had seen the... He asked why I hadn't finished those endless... The boy said that he would see... We said that we were going...
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