Comparatives and superlatives
3) Circle the correct words.
1. My new trainers were more/most expensive than yours.
2. This is the best/better team in the world!
3. I'm happier/more happier than my brother.
4. That was the baggest/worst day of my life!
5. Russia is much bigger that/than Wales.

too and not enough
4) write sentences with the adjectives in brackets and too or (not) enough.
1. . small
2. . tall
3. . expensive
4. . easy
5. . old

Quantity: some, any, much, many and a lot of
5) Circle the correct words.
1. There aren't many/much students in my class.
2. There is a lot of/many money on the table.
3. There are a lot of/ any problems in this town.
4. There weren't much/many people at the concert.
5. Do you have any/some British friends?
6. I went to the shop to buy any/some milk.


Ответ дал: joice111
3. 1) more expensive 2) the best 3) happier 4) the worst 5) than
4. This dress is too small for you. You are not tall enough to play basketball. This bag is too expensive. This task is easy enough to do. You are not old enough to watch this film.
5. 1) many 2) a lot of 3) a lot of 4) many 5) any 6) some
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