Here are Jane's aswers. What are John's questions? 1 Yes, there was a doll in the box. 2 No, there were no toys under the table. 3 No, they were not.
The tigers were under the chair. 4. Yes, there was a big birthday cake on the table. 5. Yes, there were seven candles in the birthday cake. 6. No, there was apple juice in the glass.


Ответ дал: zorbing
1 - Was there a doll in the box? - Yes, there was a doll in the box.
2 - Were there any toys
under the table? - No, there were no toys under the table.
3 - Were the tigers on the table? - No, they were not. The tigers were under the chair.
4. - Was there
a cake on the table? - Yes, there was a big birthday cake on the table.
5. -
Were there seven candles in the birthday cake? - Yes, there were seven candles in the birthday cake.
6. - Was there orange juice in the glass? - No, there was apple juice in the glass.

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