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Ответ дал: natashakid
The house was built two tears ago by us.
Penicillin was discovered by Fleming.
Bikes were broken by boys.
Radio was invented by Popov.
The cat will be fed by the girl.
The film will be watched by me.
My car was stolen yesterday.
A beautiful gold watch was bought by me.
These televisions are made in Japan by them.
Spanish is spoken in Mexico.

Ответ дал: nusha13
The house was built  2 years ago by we,
Penicillin was discovered by fleming.
Their bikes are broken by boys.
Radio was invented by Popov.
The cat will be fed by the girl.
The film will be watched by me.
My car was stolen yesterday.
A beautiful gold watch was bought by me.
These televisions are made in Japan by them.
Spanish is spoken in Mexico.

natashakid: в 1 и 3 ошибка :)
nusha13: оу)точно)
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