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1)There ... a lot of start and plenets in spece.
2)... there... a lift in your future house? Yes,there ... ...
3)Some yearsago there... many old houses in our street.
4) ... there any lectures yesterday? No, there..
5)... there a lamp over the table? Yes, there...
6)... there any interesting stories in this book?
7) .... there a testlast lesson? No? there...
8) Soon there... anewfilmon.


Ответ дал: Аноним
1) There are a lot of stars and plants in space.
2) Will there be a lift in your future house? — Yes, there will.
3) Some years ago there were many old houses in our street.
4) Were there any lectures yesterday? — No, there weren't.
5) Is there a lamp over the table? — Yes, there is.
6) Are there any interesitng stories in this book.
7) Was there a test last lesson? — No, there wasn't.
8) Soon there will be a new film.

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nunny: этот ответ верный
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