5-6речень про різдво в Україні


Ответ дал: olgastik
Christmas - the first and most famous family holiday in the world. Christmas tradition stillstored in many Ukrainian families.Celebrations Dinner is the main Christmas tradition in Ukrainian families. Sometimes inembroidered cloth which covered the table, put some straw zhmutkiv. Ukrainianfamily in Canada and the US for the occasion dress embroidered shirts. When Ukrainiansee the first star in the eastern evening sky begins Holy Supper.People living in villages on this old tradition: the head of the familymakes a house a sheaf of wheat, called didukh. It symbolizes the ancestors and is athe importance of ancient and rich harvest in Ukraine. People who live in big citiesput a few ears of wheat in a vase to decorate the table. Family gathers attable, light candles and eat every spoonful corner. Each hostess prepares Ukrainianher special as her mother or grandmother taught. Usually served on the table 12 meatless dishes.At the end of the Holy Supper family often sings Christmas carols Ukrainian Christmas carols.Many groups where young people go from house to house singing carols and collect
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