Измените следующие предложения по образцу.

I am a good driver - I was a good driver. I will be a good driver.

1. I am a second-year student. 2. I am 20 years old. 3. I am from Omsk. 4. I am at the seminar. 5. I am late for the lecture. 6. I am glad to meet Ann. 7. I am hungry. 8. I am interested in politics. 9. I am an optimist. 10. I am happy.


Ответ дал: AlexStanK
1. I was a second-year student. I will be a secont-year student.
2. I was 20 years old. I will be 20 yearl old
3. I was from Omsk. I will be from Omsk
4. I was at the seminar. I will be at the seminar.
5. I was later for the lecture. I will be later for the lecture.
6. I was glad to meet Ann. I will be glad to meet Ann.
7. I was hungry. I will be hungry.
8. I was interested in politics. I will be interested in politics.
9. I was an optimist. I will be an optimist.
10. I was happy. I will be happy.
Ответ дал: nunny
1. I was a second-year student. 2. I was 20 years old. 3. I awas from Omsk. 4. I was at the seminar. 5. I was late for the lecture. 6. I was glad to meet Ann. 7. I was hungry. 8. I was interested in politics. 9. I was an optimist. 10. I was happy.
1. I will be a second-year student. 2. I will be 20 years old. 3. I will be from Omsk. 4. I will be at the seminar. 5. I will be late for the lecture. 6. I will be glad to meet Ann. 7. I will be hungry. 8. I will be interested in politics. 9. I will be an optimist. 10. I will be happy.
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