№2. Fill in the gaps with the correct verb form (Present Perfect or Past Simple).
1. I ______ (just/ get) a letter from my friend.
2. I think I ________ (already/ do) a lot of important things in my life.
3. Jake ____________ (finish) his homework at 6 pm. It _______ (take) him an hour to do it.
4. Nelly ___________ (yet/ finish) her taks __________.
5. I __________ (read) a lot when I was at school.
6. Steve __________ (yet/ read) this book __________.
7. _________ you _________ (watch) the football match yesterday?
8. My mother ___________ (do) the shopping today.


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
1 have just got
2 have already done
3 finished-took
4 hasn’t finished her tasks yet
5 read
6 hasn’t read this book yet
7 Did you watch
8 has done
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