Complete the sentences. "After, at, for, in, out, to" 1. Jane is in Leeds. I'm looking ... her flowers. 2. Let's go ... to the disco this evening. 3. Peter has a talent ... music.4. Tony is going ... college in the autumn. 5. I like animals and my brother is interested ... cars and computers. 6. Is John ... home? - No, he is ... schoo. 7. What can you you see ... this picture? 8. We left St. Petersburg ... Moscow. Now we are living in the capital of our country. 9. I would like to go ... with my friends tonight. 10. The teacher asked Margaret to talk ... her son. НУ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!! У МЕНЯ ОСТАЛСЯ 1 БАЛЛ!


Ответ дал: tatalinka
1. after 2. out 3. at  6. at/at  8. to  9.out   10 to
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