I __had___(closed) the door before i remembered the keys! They were on the table in my bedroom. I___had____(put) them there the evening before,and they were still there.My parents___had ___(gone) on holiday the day before;now no one was at home.Before they left my dad____had___(told) me to be very careful about the keys,but I_______(forgot).I__had___(left)them inside the house,and_______(shut) the door! What could I do?
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Ответ дал: nunny
I had closed the door before I remembered the keys! They were on the table in my bedroom. I had put them there the evening before,and they were still there. My parents had gone on holiday the day before; now no one was at home. Before they left my dad had told me to be very careful about the keys, but  I forgot. I had left them inside the house, and shut the door!  What could I do?
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