Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense(present simple, present continuous, past simple, past continuous)
1. I _______ (not do) much sport when I was in primary school.
2. We _______ (learn) irregular verbs this week in our English class.
3. Why ________ (you/laugh) when I came into the classroom?
4. He _______ (not eat) fish. He hates it.
5. how ofen _______ (John and Robin/meet) their frends?
6. Yesterday I _______ (have) a terrible argument with my sister.


Ответ дал: Uleima
1 did not do
2 are learning
3 why were you laughing
4 does not eat
5 how often do John and Robin meet
6 had

TypicalSchoolBoy: спасибо вам огромное вы меня буквально спасли! (сдавать сегодня)))
Uleima: Да не за что!!!! УДАЧИ!!!!!;)
TypicalSchoolBoy: полугодовая оценка все таки)
Uleima: ну если я вам ее улучшила буду искренне рада!!!!)))
TypicalSchoolBoy: надеюсь что улучшили)
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