Choose the correct item.
1.This is...ball I have. a)good b)better c)the best
2....often visit their friends. a)The Gromovs b)The Gromovs' c)Gromovs
3.Once there lived...angry crocodile. a)a b)an c)the
4.My mother...go to her office every day. a)doesn't b)isn't c)don't
5.Who ... in that house? a)does live b)live c)lives
6... got many presents? a)Why b)Who c)When
7.Are you in ... fifth form? a)a b)the c)-
8.The tortoise is cleverer... the hare a)then b)than c)-
9.-Who gets up at 6 o'clock?
-My brothers... .
a)do b)does c)get up
10.Mrs Wood is going... a new chair. a)buy b)buys c)to buy

Зарина228: англискй?


Ответ дал: unsh2000
1. c
2. a
3. b
4. a
5. c
6. b
7. b
8. b
9. a
10. c
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